Recovery Blog

Recovery Blog2024-01-04T15:05:51+00:00

Anxiety and Substance Abuse

December 3, 2023|

It’s estimated that about a 5th of the population in the U.S. has a form of anxiety disorder. For those who do have an anxiety disorder, the chances of them having a substance abuse issue is higher.

What Is Codependency?

December 3, 2023|

Codependency, sometimes called relationship addiction, is a behavioral and emotional condition that hinders a person's ability to have healthy relationships. A person is codependent if they rely on another person for their physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual needs.

The 12 Steps: an Overview

December 3, 2023|

12 Step programs have been helping generations of addicts and alcoholics all over the world for decades. Despite its religious foundations with the Christian movement “The Oxford Group,” people of all faiths and perspectives have been able to heal through them.

What Are the 12 Steps of AA?

December 3, 2023|

So what are the 12 steps of A.A.? Where did they come from and what are they all about? This article will take a deep dive into the question, “what are the 12 steps of AA?”

What Is Polysubstance Abuse? Everything You Need to Know

December 3, 2023|

Polysubstance abuse is the abuse of multiple drugs, either simultaneously or over a short period of time.The term is far-reaching and includes everything from cigarettes and beer to heroin and methamphetamines. Obviously, the severity and risk of polysubstance abuse can vary wildly, but no matter what the substance is, you’re always increasing the risk of adverse effects when you consume multiple drugs at once.

Staying Sober — Everything You Need to Do

December 3, 2023|

Staying sober isn’t easy. Getting sober is hard enough. Deciding to get help, detoxing, going through residential treatment and back into the real world can be extremely overwhelming. They say the one thing you have to change is everything.

Substance Abuse Treatment — Everything You Need to Know

December 3, 2023|

An addict or alcoholic who wants to get sober has the best chance of doing so by entering substance abuse treatment. Substance abuse disorder is a disease that affects the mind, body, and spirit. It’s a real disease that needs a real solution.

How Addictive Is Cocaine? It’s One of the Most Addictive Drugs in the World

December 3, 2023|

Cocaine is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances out there. It can have severe physical, psychological, and financial effects on the user, and the consequences of addiction can last a lifetime. In terms of addictive potential, cocaine is on the same level as heroin and crystal methamphetamine. It is not a “harmless” drug — about 21% of people who try cocaine will become addicted.

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